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Friday, June 24, 2011

To Run or Not to Run....

I have been wondering whether to run or not to run again- that is a very good question!  My first half marathon experience ended with my hip muscles being torn and 4 weeks of intense physical therapy.  (Not fun!)  My second half marathon experience ended with my thyroid being removed and having thyroid cancer (also not highly recommended).  I have to say I'm a little worried what the universe will throw my way if I attempt a third time....

On the other hand, I see crazy people running in the Las Vegas heat everyday.  The other day I saw a woman running outside in 106 degree weather (that's 41.1 degrees Celsius for all my Canadian friends).  I see people running outside all the time here - no matter how hot it gets.  Then I feel a little pang.  Not that I love running by any means.  More of an I-could-do-that-if-I-wanted-to thought. 

So last night I did run 2.25 miles straight on the treadmill.  I was inside, at the gym, with air conditioning - still sweating like a pig - but I did it.  And it wasn't too bad.....compared to running outside in the extreme heat.  I won't say that I'm completely converted to running, but there's not other exercise that will shape you, hurt you, test you, strengthen you, or even scare you. 

While I'm not training for anything in particular, I decided that I've taken long enough off.  It's time to push myself again to see what I'm made of.  Besides you never know if I'm crazy enough to challenge the universe one more time...... 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

I want to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Fathers Day.  Since I have such a great Dad, I dedicate this blog to him.

My Father works very hard.  He was always working as much as he possibly could when I was a child, and he still works as hard today.  He's pretty good about fixing things and likes to be self reliant - especially when it comes to the home or car.  Case in point:  Saturday, he got rid of a bee colony that was trying to nest on the side of his home.  We'll know in a couple of days if we can add exterminator to his list of accomplishments.

When I was about 6 or 7, my Father had a terrible accident with a table saw.  He cut off one finger completely and the other was dangling.  The doctors were able to reattach both fingers, but he cannot bend his middle finger on his left hand.  (With Vegas drivers - this is not necessarily a bad thing!)  I remember a few years after the accident he got a book on hair braiding.  It also came with a video.  I sat and sat and sat and sat while he tried to learn how to braid my hair - something that most men wouldn't do, let alone someone who couldn't bend all of their fingers.  Although he never mastered hair braiding, I have never forgotten the effort. 

My Father can sleep at any time and at any place.  He was notorious for sleeping in church.  One Sunday he pulled a $20 out and tucked it under his leg.  Half of it was under his leg and half of it was exposed so we could see it.  The game was if he fell asleep we got to keep the money.  I think that was one of the few Sundays my Father stayed awake the whole time!

My Father loves his grandchildren and is always willing to babysit.  Sometimes the outcome is a little surprising.  When my oldest was about a year old, my mother came to take me out to dinner while my Dad stayed with Nicholas.  We were gone about 2 hours.  When we came home there was poop everywhere!  On the couch (both the upper and lower cushions - except for the place where my Dad sat), the floor, the doorknob, the bathroom, the change table, all over Nicholas.  To this day we don't know what happened, but we still have a good laugh about it. 

My Father taught Nicholas how to snorkel last year for his birthday.  He also outfitted Nicholas with professional snorkel gear that he takes with him every time we go swimming.  Nicholas can now dive about 6 feet with the snorkel gear on - something I don't do!  Nicholas will always have that knowledge of how to snorkel because of my Dad.    

Whether intentional or not, my Dad makes me smile.  He is warm and generous and hard working.  My kids love being around him and he always has Tootsie Rolls and enormous amounts of change in his pocket.  I consider myself lucky to be his daughter.  If you ever want to know where I get some of my quirks, look no further than my Dad.   

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mom vs. Dad

Today I would like to vent some motherhood frustration.  My husband is pretty much gone 9 months out of the year.  He works 3 jobs and goes to school full time.  Between that and church responsibilities we just don't get much time together.  Now he is home for the summer and we are adjusting to being together again.  (That part is actually okay!)

Here's my frustration:  I've been trying to get Jonah to let me cut his hair for a month.  Every time he screams, cries, and he even used his body to block the drawer where I keep the haircutting supplies.  It's been a complete battle.  Last night I went to the gym and when I come home - Jonah had a haircut!  My wonderful husband told him he was getting a haircut and Jonah sat still for him.  No crying, no screaming, no drama.

Today I told the kids they were going to the play center at the gym.  Crying, screaming, drama.  Melanie and Jonah both had big tears running down their faces, "We're scared Mommy!"  Then my husband walks into the room.  "You guys are going to the gym."  All off a sudden the kids are screaming with elation - they can't get their shoes on fast enough.  Even though my husband didn't go, the kids were happy and had a good time.

They are so excited to go to the gym when Daddy says it.  When I say it, it's a big cry-fest.

I am a little bothered by it, but I've decided that I will use it to my advantage.  Jonah has decided he LOVES his diapers and doesn't want to give them up.  I think I have Patrick's next project picked out for him....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A New Beginning

Okay, so I fell off the blogging bandwagon for awhile.  I could list all my I will spare you all the boring details.  The good news is that I've decided to recommit and hopefully I will be more together this time around.

Last week I was among the hundreds of people whose account information was compromised at Walmart and Michaels.  (Knowing me it could have been either store!)  Thankfully my debit card was canceled and nothing was withdrawn from my bank account.  However, several automatic bill pay accounts had to be reset because they were through my debit card.

Normally I just use my debit card and never think twice.  But now that I'm waiting for my new card and pin to come I don't have one to use.  So this week has been a forced experiment into paying with cash.  I went to the bank on Monday and withdrew an allowance for the week.  So far I have paid for everything in cash (except gas) and the results are interesting. 

I have always thought of myself as a bargain shopper and good with finances.  Cheapskate is a word that would describe me when it comes to money.  Now that I'm carrying cash I find it harder to part with it than I did my debit card.  When I went to the store today and I was looking at dress socks for my husband I kept thinking...does he REALLY need these? 

I'm excited to see how much money I will have left over at the end of the week.  It's sort of a personal challenge to myself. 

Now that I'm paying with cash I'm getting change back.  That poses the question:  what to do with the change?  When I was in college I would pay for the midnight breakfasts using pennies, nickels, and quarters but I'm trying to overcome the poor college student life.  Besides, I'm hardly ever up at midnight even if I wanted to get breakfast.  I decided to put all the change into a big jar.  When my husband graduates with his third (and final) degree, I want to take our family on a big trip to celebrate.  Something fun and exciting.  So I better getting saving if I want that to happen!  I have a feeling we'll be needing a lot of pennies.

P.S. I did get my husband the socks! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 6 part 2

Thursday I had my thyroid removed.  I spent the night in the hospital and came home on Friday.  It doesn't look too bad, but the kids act surprised everytime they see me.  "Mommy, what happened to your neck?"  I get that about every 10 minutes.

I am feeling better - not quite 100%.  The hardest part is sleeping because I had to sleep sitting up the first two nights.  Last night I was able to recline a little bit.  I'm sure as I heal I will be able to lay down properly.  I have a greater appreciation for sleep than I had before!

My friends and family have been a huge blessing.  They have babysat and brought in meals.  The kids have loved all the attention and food.  I appreciate all the prayers, well-wishes, and help that everyone has given.  We feel loved and blessed. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 6

I completely fell of the bandwagon last week.  I only went to the gym once.  This week I didn't have a chance to go at all.  It's really hard when you have sick children/husband to try and fit it all in.  I just didn't have it in me to go after the kids were in bed.  Can't do everything!

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.  I'm spending the night in the hospital to have my thyroid removed.  I tell people it was either that or breast augmentation - I just couldn't decide!  The only times I have been in the hospital was when I was having a baby.  It was worth the stay just to bring something cute and cuddly home with me.  I wonder if my thyroid will be cute and cuddly!

I'm not freaked out by the surgery.  In one sense I am relieved that I'm not "crazy".  I've had doctors tell me over the last 6 years that my case wasn't worth their expertise.  But I pressed on, being inspired by close friends and aquaintances.  I thought even if I was crazy, I had to go to one more doctor just to prove it.  Turns out, I'm not!  So there!

Off to the races.  See you on the other side!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 5

I had a fantastic run on Saturday with my sister-in-law.  We ran 4.2 miles in 45 minutes (10 min. 40 sec per mile).  I'm glad that not every run sucks - otherwise it would be harder to do it.  I know it's Valentine's Day, but I'm contemplating going to the gym tonight.  It really helps calm me and it is relaxing.  Plus I don't have to go tomorrow if I do it today!

My trip to California taught me 2 things. 

1.)  It's really hard to eat well when your brother is a fantastic cook.
2.)  It wasn't that hard to make time for a run.

In April we're planning a family vacation, and I was wondering how my running/training would fit into the schedule.  Now that I've had a mini practice run, I know that I can do it if I make it a priority.

Even though I'm not able to "train" for the half marathon.  The doctor is still encouraging me to keep up with my fitness.  I guess it is a perfect excuse to not exercise, but I plan on running a half marathon at some point.  I mean there has to be a stretch of time where I don't injure myself, need surgery, or have other life altering things happen right?  If anything, being told no has made me more determined to do it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 4

I went for a run yesterday with the intention of running 4miles.  I wound up doing a walk/run where I walked 2 miles and I ran 2.75miles.  It wasn't what I had planned on, but I least I did something - and in the end the distance was more than what I had planned.

I also bought some 5lb hand weights to use at home.  I pretty much decided that I need to incorporate more strength training into my routine.  My arms are very weak.  (I am like a t-rex with long, skinny arms that don't support my body weight!)  Hopefully they won't just sit under my bed gathering dust like some of my other fitness equipment. 

My other goal for myself is to work more on my diet.  I love food and I like to eat.  Normally I don't give to much thought about what I'm eating, why I'm eating, or how I'm eating.  I don't believe in diets or cutting out entire food groups.  But I am trying to each 3 meals of 400 calories each and I can have 2 snacks of 100 calories.  I can eat whatever I want - if I want to eat 400 calories of chocolate for lunch, so be it.  (This morning I had poptarts for breakfast.)  I read about this idea in the January issue of Woman's World.  I'm also trying to drink a gallon of water each day - which is easier said than done.  On the days I work out, I can add the number of calories to my daily diet if I choose.  That way if I want to go to a restaurant I'm not limited in what I want to eat.  It's all fine and good.   

When I'm working out regularly, I tend to eat better and make more of an effort.  I try to do things that are sustainable for long periods of time.  I don't want to start something that I won't be able to manage during birthday parties, or holidays, or ward parties.  I love food and I love to eat.  It's all about balance, but balance is a tricky thing to maintain and control.   

Saturday, February 5, 2011

End of Week 3

I went running on Wednesday.  I ran 3.25 miles at the gym and I walked enough to total 4.65 miles when all was said and done.  This made me feel pretty good about my progress so far. 

On Thursday I read an online fitness article about how you shouldn't do crunches anymore.  Doing planks will give you the best ab workout.  (A plank is when you hold your body in push-up ready position for as long as you can.)  I decided to try it out yesterday.  I only did maybe 6-10 reps at 30sec - 1 minute each, but I woke up SORE this morning.  It does give you a good workout.

Even though I had more company on my morning run today, it didn't go quite as planned.  I ran the first 2 miles, but my side was hurting, so I wound up walking the last 2miles.  I'm a little disappointed that I didn't make the full 5 mile run like I was supposed to, but I didn't want to risk hurting myself.  Lesson learned:  no more planks before a long run.

I've also been debating whether I should keep my running mileage low (instead of increasing it each week) in order to incorporate more strength training.  (I should clarify that by low I mean 2-4 miles each run.)  Over a longer period of time I think I would become a better runner.  For the 1/2 marathon in April, it may mean I would have to walk and run it.  Hmmm......choices.

P.S.  My friend Uilea was truly an inspiration for running today.  She did awesome!! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Whatever

Okay, so I'm totally slacking in the blogging department, but I am keeping up with running.  Saturday I ran 4 miles.  Yesterday I ran 2.5 and walked another 2.  I've decided that I need to update my music because everything is starting to get old - either that or I have a short attention span.  Both are probably true.  Isn't it amazing how a good song will help motivate you?

I have been incredibly busy the last week.  It's crazy trying to manage the social lives of 3 kids.  There's always a party, playdate, soccer practice, swim lessons, piano lessons, art classes, and other assortment of activities.  I'm making a mental reminder right now to remember that Melanie is giving a talk in Primary on Sunday.  I can only imagine what my life will be like when they become teenagers. 

That is just their lives.  Then I try to factor in the things I need to do, want to do, and don't want to do but I have to do.  (I don't even try to keep up with my husband's schedule.)  I'm like a little hamster on the wheel, except I don't run that well.

Well, tomorrow I plan on sneaking in a 3 mile run - okay it's not really sneaking if I plan on being on the treadmill for an hour.   

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day Ten and Eleven

I ran 3 miles last night.  Everything good I said earlier about running, has been officially revoked!  It was horrible.  I was dripping with sweat and it was so hard.  I ran the first 2 miles at a 1% incline and ran flat for the final mile.  The only good thing I can say about it is that I finished.  Today I get to rest before I attempt to run 4 miles tomorrow.

The ear, nose, and throat doctor is pretty sure my thyroid is going to have to be removed.  He's going to look down my throat in a couple of weeks.  On one hand, it's nice to know that I'm not crazy or being overly sensitive about the symptoms I have.  On the other hand, it sucks to be right! 

I have a pretty good excuse not to tempted to use......

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Nine

I haven't decided if I will run today or tomorrow.  Probably tonight because I am accompanying someone singing for a funeral this weekend and we're going to practice tomorrow.  I really like my training program because there's a lot of flexibility as long as I don't procrastinate.  That sounds pretty good too.....

In other news, I'm seeing an ear, nose, throat specialist today who is going to tell me if my thyroid needs to be removed.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that no surgery will be needed, but I know it's probably only a matter of time before it gets removed.  (I have about 6-9 nodules that range in size from 2mm to 11mm across.  2 years ago I had 3 nodules.) 

Also, if you call my house - make sure you're speaking to the right person.  For some reason my son doesn't think it's funny that people confuse him and I.  No boy wants to be mistaken for his mother.  Although it does provide me with some great laughs!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Seven and Eight

According to my training schedule Monday is supposed to be a rest day, but I wanted to have some time to myself.  You know it's going to be a long day when the 2 year old has already had several time outs and it's not even 8am.  The kids take an art class on Mondays and I had some errands to do, so it took everything I had just to get the kids to cooperate.  I figured I was already in a mood, so why not just run?

My run was very very good yesterday.  It was the first time that I truly believed I could run the half marathon without dying.  I was scheduled to run 2 miles, but I ran 2 1/2 - which tells you that it was a pretty good day.  I decided not to focus so much on speed, but just on my breathing and form. 

The other plus to running yesterday was being able to catch up on the Bachelor in peace.  It's my guilty pleasure show, but my husband can't stand it.  In this case it was a win-win for everyone.  I got to watch the show and he got some peace and quiet. 

Today I don't have to run - which makes this an awesome day already!  But I am sort of looking forward to my run tomorrow.  I just might be becoming a runner.  Weird.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Five

Today was my 3 mile long run.  I wasn't able to finish running it all because my hip started to twinge a little more than I liked, but I did run 98% and my total finish time (even with walking) was 33 minutes.

Last October I tore all the muscles in my right hip while training for a half marathon.  I went through 4 weeks of physical therapy and didn't do much running after that - until now.  While I hate to make excuses, I also am very careful about how hard I push myself.  I don't want to go through that again.  It can take up to 6 months for an injury like that to completely heal.  So I am motivated, yet cautious.

Now I have the rest of the weekend to relax and enjoy.  No running or blogging tomorrow.  Monday it will begin again.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day Four

Today my ankles are very sore.  Yesterday I added 0.5% incline because there's a 900+ foot incline during the first half of the race.  0.5% makes a big difference!  I figured that the incline will actually be 3-4% on the race course, which kinda scares me.  So my plan is to run on an incline during my "short" runs so my body won't freak out even more when I race.

Despite my sore ankles, I managed to finish my 2 mile run yesterday in 20 minutes.  Today I get to rest and I better enjoy it because tomorrow is my long run.  Cheers! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Three

Yesterday I went to the grocery store and spent about 40 minutes grocery shopping.  I didn't have the children with me, so I was enjoying being able to take my time and not grab things as quickly as I could off the shelves.  I go to check out, everything was scanned, groceries were bagged and placed back in my cart, when it became time to pay.  I opened my wallet!  I dug through again and again hoping that it would magically appear, but I forgot it at home!  I was so embarrassed!  The clerk put my cart aside and said I could come back. 

Driving home, I was debating on just leaving the cart and not returning at all.  But then I would never be able to shop at that store - at least not for awhile.  What were the chances I could avoid that?  Slim.  I swallowed my pride, raced home, retrieved the wallet, and returned to the store.  I still might not shop there for awhile until the sting of my embarrassment wears off.

What is the point of this story?  I have to run 2 miles today and I know that even if I do something to embarrass myself, it probably won't top yesterday! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Two

So I made the 2 mile mark yesterday.  I did it in 21 minutes, but it was not very pretty.  The guy next to me kept looking over - probably because I looked like I was going to die!

As much as I hate running, I love going to the gym.  I see so many interesting and crazy things all the time.  It's a great place to go people watch - plus we don't have cable so I can catch up on Million Dollar Matchmaker while I exercise.

Just last night I saw a woman leaving the co-ed workout room, wearing a white shirt and nothing underneath!  I don't care how masculine your body is, every woman needs some kind of support.  I do feel better when I see crazy things, because I know that I will fit right in with everyone else.  The harder I try to be cool and look like I know what I'm doing, the more likely I am to embarrass myself!

Gotta run, have to take Nicholas to school, the other kids to art class, I'm babysitting today, soccer practice, swim lessons, and book club.  It's a good thing today is my "rest" day. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day One

Today is Day 1 of half marathon training.  You might think that since I am attempting to run a half marathon that I love running.  I don't.  I HATE HATE HATE running.  It's the worst exercise, I'm terrible at it, and did I mention that I HATE it?  Right now I'm thinking of a million excuses why I shouldn't run today.  The kids have runny noses...I have a blanket to crotchet...I ate ice cream for breakfast...... But I've also committed to doing it and I don't want to be someone who says they'll do something and then flakes out.     

If I were "good" at running I would do it all the time.  Currently I run at a 10-12 minute mile (slower if I run more) which means that my husband could beat me in a 5K race without training.  This is after 18 months of a gym membership and months of running previously.  I also am lugging about 20 lbs of extra body weight that jiggles and jangles around when I run.  Thankfully I am tall so I hide it pretty well under normal circumstances, but running is not a normal circumstance! 

While I complain about how much I hate running, it doesn't change the fact that I have 2 miles waiting for me today.  I think I'll make some time after lunch.....or dinner....